Business ethics

The company Nirvel Cosmetics S.L., is committed to guaranteeing ethical principles and respect for the people, the societies and the environment, within its sphere of influence, extending its responsibility to all its stakeholders.

In order to comply with our code of ethics and to be able to communicate any concerns or undesired behaviour, you can contact us through the following forms to share your enquiries or complaints related to: non-compliance with environmental protection, financial and fiscal crimes, corruption or any other type of illicit conduct. You can access it, whether you are a client, employee, supplier, or other group linked to the company. All enquiries and/or complaints will be treated confidentially.

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Equality plan

The 2020-2022 Equality Plan is part of our vision as a company and is oriented towards our values. The objective is to consolidate a work-life balance, avoiding inequality and/or discrimination that may occur in terms of treatment and opportunities for all workers.

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Corporate social responsibility

Our priority is to integrate CSR as the company's core value and is oriented towards commercial, environmental, ethical and social actions, as well as to all stakeholders, helping to promote a positive impact on society.

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Guaranteeing Quality, Design and Service to our clients is one of our guiding principles in order to maintain a balance between Development and Nature. We want to encourage and promote an Integrated Quality and Environmental Policy at all levels of our company, which will be the driving force for achieving our values and the satisfaction of our clients.

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    Los datos de carácter personal que consten en la consulta serán tratados por NIRVEL COSMETICS SL e incorporados a la actividad de tratamiento CONTACTOS, cuya finalidad es
    atender tus solicitudes, peticiones o consultas recibidas desde la web, mediante correo electrónico o telefónico. Dar respuesta a tu solicitud y hacer un seguimiento posterior. La legitimación del tratamiento es tu consentimiento. Tus datos no serán cedidos a terceros. Tienes derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir tus datos, así como otros derechos como se explica en nuestra política de privacidad:


      Tus datos serán tratados por NIRVEL COSMETICS SL, con la finalidad de atender tu solicitud y hacer un seguimiento posterior. Si seleccionas la casilla, te enviaremos nuestros boletines informativos a tu correo electrónico. La legitimación del tratamiento es tu consentimiento, que podrás retirar en cualquier momento. Tus datos no serán cedidos a terceros. Tienes derecho a acceder, rectificar y suprimir tus datos, así como otros derechos como se explica en nuestra política de privacidad: