Trend in Neck and Décolletage

Trend in Neck and Décolletage

Trend in Neck and Décolletage

Like every year, when spring arrives, the novelties in Spring/Summer fashion will emerge. Floral prints, bright colours, light fabrics… a whole combination of trends to look perfect. It is also the time, in which many women usually wear garments with a pronounced neckline, which expose the shoulders, arms and the Neck & Décolletage area.

The neckline is one of the most attractive areas of our body, but it is also the most sensitive to hormonal changes, environmental factors, and the effects of the signs of aging. Among these effects of the passage of time, we can find the appearance of spots and wrinkles, dehydration, or loss of firmness.

It is usually a forgotten area in beauty routines, or in many cases, we limit ourselves to applying the same moisturizing cream on the face. We must bear in mind that the Neck & Décolletage area must be cared for with specific products for that area with the best and most innovative active ingredients such as Vitamin C, collagen, or antioxidant active ingredients.

Autumn and winter are the perfect time to start taking care of the Neck and Décolletage area, and to arrive at the perfect spring.

As a complement, we can include different habits in our daily care routines, such as facial gymnastics or yoga, in addition to changing our sleeping postures. For example, sleeping in the fetal position aggravates vertical wrinkles in the cleavage area, so it is recommended to sleep on your back, to activate blood microcirculation and improve skin tone. Another of the easy and simple tricks that we can apply in our day-to-day life is to take cold showers and apply circular massages that tone the skin.

Applying a combination of cosmetic products with paying attention to our lifestyle habits can improve our appearance and guarantee good condition and health of our Neck & Neckline.